GF Impex Private Limited
Corporate Office
“S.K Enclave”, No-4,Nowroji Road,
Chetpet, Chennai 600031
Tel:: +91-44-2646 1415, 2645 1722
Fax: +91-44-2645 1720
Email :
GF Impex Private Limited
About Us
GF Impex Pvt Ltd is the polymer raw materials trading wing of the group. The company diversified into polymer trading in 2008. In the past decade, we have positioned ourselves as provider of “hassle-free polymer raw-material sourcing solution” to our esteemed customers. Coming from a manufacturing background, we understand the pain of a customer when the machine stops for want of raw materials. We keep track of our customers’ long and short-term production schedules and help them plan their raw-material supplies, considering their cash-flows, at economical costs. We give regular inputs on price-movements and material supply-demand scenario, for our customers to plan their sourcing.
The professional approach and commitment of the group is testified by the fact that our so-called competitors in manufacturing vertical (woven-sacks) are customers in trading vertical. This reputation and goodwill of the group extends to our vendor companies and their agents ensuring regular supplies and better pricing for our customers.
With bases at Chennai and Puduchery, GF Impex Pvt Ltd primarily caters to northern Tamilnadu, Puduchery and Andhra-pradesh markets..
We deal primarily in a range of commodity polymers in polypropylenes and poly-ethelenes from reputed domestic and international brands like IOCL, Sumitomo, etc. Our product list include:
- Poly propylene – range of grades for Injection, Blow, and Film applications in Homo polymer, Impact Co-polymer and Random Co-polymer segments
- Poly ethylene – HD blow, HD injection (high & low), HM film, LLDPE injection, LLDPE film, LLDPE roto moulding, LDPE lamination, LDPE general purpose film, LDPE injection, etc.,
- EVA – This is the latest addition to our product portfolio
Our products go into manufacture of the below products

Market Segment
Apart from offering our products and services to a host of small and micro enterprises, GF Impex is a chosen supply-chain partner for several reputed brands across industries - white goods, automobiles, furniture, kitchen and house-hold goods, toys, building equipment, garden and lawn accessories, etc.,
Warehouse Address:
VS Mani Nagar,
Chennai 600 060