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About Us
As a part of the Rs.1500 million BLISS Group of companies, Jumbo Bag Ltd. was established in the year 1990. Started with an initial capacity of 720,000 jumbo bags (FIBCs) we now have the capacity to manufacture over 3.6 million bags per annum, and this has propelled us to the position of market leaders.
As a world-class solutions provider in packaging, our portfolio comprises of different designs of FIBCs (Circular, U-panel, Baffles) Hygiene bags, Multi trip bags, tabular & form-ft liner bags. The FIBCs are available in Type A, B, C, D, UN Bags and 20-40 feet container liners and addresses applications that are custom-made for industrial purposes. We cater to a customer base spanning 5 continents.Jumbo Bag Ltd. is listed in the Mumbai stock exchange.
The following are the various products.
- Type A Regular Jumbo Bags
- Type B Anti-static Jumbo Bags
- Type C Conductive Jumbo Bags
- Type D Dissipative Jumbo Bags
- Liners with or without Tabbing
- Speciality Jumbo Bags - Clean Room Bags
- UN Bags - All Types and Model Bags
- Container Liners - 20ft & 40ft

Contact Us
Factory address:
Panjetty Village, Ponneri Taluk,
Tiruvallur Dist -601204.
Tel : +91-44-27975036 / 37 / 38
Fax : +9-44-27975039
Unit - 2
Athipedu Village,
Alingivakkam P.O
Tel: 044- 27984559.
Warehouse address:
Plat no :D44(p-2)
Sidco industrial Estate ,Kappalur,
Madurai-625 008.
Tel: 8056666081
R.S.No. 188/1, Vazhudavur Road,
Opp to Mettupalayam Industrial Estate,
No.35, Oulgaret Revenue Village,
Pondicherry – 605009
10/243, Nadathara Grama Panchayat,
Survey No-485, Routes Building,
Moorkanikara, Kozhukully Post,
Thrissur DT, Kerala – 680751
Tel: 6235454647